RIF of NOVA's primary activity is our Books for Keeps program -- to provide new books for 20,000+ children at 36 schools and sites in the City of Alexandria and in Arlington, Fairfax, and Prince William counties. Books are distributed by school liaisons at book celebrations throughout the school year. Distributions for academic year 2023-2024 began in October 2023. Below, please find photos as they were added from throughout the school year. Additional book distributions with the Book Olympics theme may be found by clicking here.
"Planting the Seeds of Reading" at Marumsco Hills -- May 20-24, 2024
Children at Marumsco Hills Elementary in Prince William County had a real spring treat -- making seed balls! After making a ball out of moist paper, they added three sunflower seeds in cups to take home to plant in a pot or in the ground. They listened to a presentation on why summer reading is so important (it is!) and then picked out two books of their very own to take home, thanks to a NOVA RIF/RIF grant. Some of them were treated to a reading of Harlem Grown -- the incredible true story of a lush garden in New York City that grew out of an abandoned lot and now feeds a neighborhood. Special thanks to RIF of NOVA liaison and librarian Jessica Nelson and reading specialist Sharon Nottingham for making so many real and reading gardens grow!
A Celebration of Spring at Woodley Hills -- May 9, 2024
A NOVA RIF book party at Fairfax County's Woodley Hills Elementary generated a ton of excitement as the children celebrated spring flowers, the month of May, and Mother's Day. After singing their library "I Love Books" song -- led by librarian and NOVA RIF liaison Jill Connors -- the pictured second graders watched an art video and then turned on their creative juices to make Mother's Day drawings to take home. The kids left the library proud of their creations and excited about their brand new NOVA RIF books.
Be Our Guest at Carlin Springs Elementary -- April 23-29, 2024
The NOVA RIF book distribution at Carlin Springs Elementary School in Arlington featured a number of guest readers who could pick their own favorite story to read to classes of children as the kids sat in the library's book nook. One mom guest reader picked the book Welcome to the Symphony, a book that answers such questions as...what is a symphony? Who was Beethoven? What happens when a conductor takes the podium and faces of the orchestra? And when should and shouldn’t you clap. The first graders for this story time did not know much about the subject, but they were all familiar with the famous first notes of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and clapped when they heard the dun, dun, dun, duuunnnnhh! After the reading, each student could pick two RIF of NOVA-supplied books to keep. Thanks to librarian and NOVA RIF liaison Holly Nisco for all this book fun!
"Escape the Doghouse" at Potomac View -- April 1-4, 2024
Field Day -- May 17, 2024
Field Day -- May 17, 2024
Children at Potomac View Elementary (PWC) got into the doghouse -- and OUT of it -- for their April book distribution! First, they walked through a labyrinth of library bookshelves into the "doghouse." As they came out of the tunnel (er, doghouse), RIF of NOVA liaison and reading teacher Debbie Crawn read the book Gaston, sharing some of the adventures of four puppies, Fi-Fi, Foo-Foo, Ooh-La-La, and Gaston himself.
As they chose their NOVA RIF book to keep, the children could read dog facts on posted construction paper dog bones. Did you know, for example, that a person's blood pressure goes down when petting a dog -- and so does the dog's? Working in groups, the children were tasked with solving a number of math problems in order to unlock three clue boxes. By putting the clues together, the children were able to unlock the ultimate prize -- a big black box that allowed them to “escape” the doghouse and earn a sweet treat reward! No doubt about it...this doghouse is just what any child would want to get into! So much reading fun thanks to Debbie, Kevin Rock (librarian), Jennifer Lloyd (math specialist), Megan Nealy (Title 1 reading teacher), and Lela Reed (library assistant). The very clever book distribution was made possible via a matching grant of funds from RIF of NOVA and the National RIF organization. |
Because of the RIF NOVA/National RIF grant, Potomac View was able to stage a second book distribution, this time on May 17 during the school's field day. And, needless to say, the kids had a field day at field day! Along with a new book each, there were games and races and a bounce house! What's not to love!
"Reading with My Peeps" at Yorkshire Elementary -- March 22, 2024
PEEPS! Will they float or will they sink? After reading the book Swim Swim Sink, children at Yorkshire Elementary in Prince William County had a chance to predict what would happen to the little marshmallow candies when placed in a container of water. RIF of NOVA liaison Bethany Drake orchestrated this pre-vacation science- and spring-focused book distribution. As classes arrived, they were greeted by their teacher leaders, dressed in specially made -- and very thematically appropriate -- T-shirts. Adorbs!
After spirited conversations, the kids shared their ideas for sink or swim outcomes with their peers. Each time the peep floated, they cheered about their accurate predictions! This fun and special distribution was made possible through a National RIF matching grant awarded to RIF of NOVA for this school year. Each student was able to choose two new books! The smiles were wide as the young readers visited all the tables to find, and write their names in, the two perfect reads for the upcoming spring break.
Kenmore Middle School -- March 21-22, 2024

Sixth graders at Kenmore Middle School in Arlington used their library periods on the Thursday and Friday before spring break to choose a book to own. Excitement was high as Claire Fulliton, school librarian and RIF of NOVA liaison, greeted the students upon arrival with the directions for the day. In addition to the new book, each student chose a bookmark and pencil. All enjoyed settling in the sunny reading corner and getting started with their new books!
All This and a Furry Friend, Too ...
at Arlington's Teen Parenting Program -- March 21, 2024 At Arlington's Teen Parenting Program, parents and their little ones could enjoy three tables of fun -- one for egg decorating, one for cookie decorating, and the third featuring age-appropriate NOVA RIF books. Not only that ... there was a little furry friend in the room to add to the excitement. Thanks to liaison Nicole Boatwright for helping to start such critical early reading habits!
“Reading is a Ticket to Adventure” at Cora Kelly -- March 21, 2024
The library was abuzz with excitement the day before spring break began at Alexandria's Cora Kelly School for Math, Science and Technology. Librarian and NOVA RIF liaison Cathy Guthrie wanted to make sure all children had a book to read while on break. The kids could not wait to start their reading adventures -- before they even left the library!
"Springing into Spring Break with Books"
Patrick Henry K-8 Middle School -- March 21, 2024
Patrick Henry K-8 Middle School -- March 21, 2024
"At Patrick Henry MS, we did a 'Springing into Spring Break with Books Day'," wrote Glenda Narcisse, NOVA RIF liaison and middle school literacy coach. The 6th through 8th graders clearly enjoyed perusing several tables of offerings selected for their age group!
Swanson Students "Meet" Author Jason Reynolds -- March 20, 2024
English language learners at Swanson Middle School in Arlington were in for a treat, thanks to Jennifer Stacy, librarian and NOVA RIF liaison. While munching on yummy gummies, they were able to choose three books to take home for spring break -- with the rule that only one could be a graphic novel!
Before picking their books, Jennifer showed a video and introduced the students to the books of New York Times bestselling author Jason Reynolds. In the video, he notes that "there is nothing you can do in life if you can't read, so reading is important and literacy is important." He continued, "Reading is an opportunity for you to know that you are not alone and you don't have to feel ashamed of who you are (or) anything...the world is big and small, and books sort of help us navigate this big and small space in between the pages. That's a special special thing that all of us...every single one of you needs to read." Click here to listen to Jason's inspirational words. For more about Jason Reynolds and his books, click here. |
Birdhouses and Bookmarks at Bel Air Elementary -- March 19-21, 2024
Students at Bel Air Elementary in Woodbridge (PWC) had a chance to get creative AND pick out a new RIF of NOVA book before spring break, thanks to school librarian and liaison Clifton Palmer. With an "Art For Kids Hub" program playing on screen, the students learned some artistic techniques as they practiced drawing a birdhouse or crafted bookmarks -- while stretching out on the library's colorful reading rug. The piece de resistance for the children was stamping and writing their name in their chosen take-home-forever book!
"Spring into a New Book" at Hoffman-Boston Elementary -- March 18-21, 2024
The week of March 18-22, students at Arlington's Hoffman-Boston got to choose a new book before spring break. Students chose a brand new RIF of NOVA book and then made an origami bookmark, and some created other origami art as well. Thanks to librarian and liaison Jen Walter for coordinating the pre-vacation book bonanza!
When the Fifth Graders Speak... at Polk Elementary -- March 15-21, 2024
When the 5th graders speak, the younger kids listen! Polk Elementary School in Alexandria held a distribution before spring break, thanks to NOVA RIF liaison Kathy Harrington, so kids could have a chosen NOVA RIF book to read over the break period. The K-4th graders were in for a treat! The older kids -- the 5th graders -- recorded their book recommendations on a video created by librarian Mark Tierney. Clearly, the opinions of the older students mattered! After the video, the younger children raced to the book tables to seek out the suggested books or to find a new favorite of their own! Click on any of the three "recommender" pics just below to find the full video. So fun...don't miss it!
"The title of my book is There's no Such Thing as...Unicorns. I think you should check out this book if you like unicorns, colors, and sparkles. This book is also hilarious and fun. Go check it out!"
"I'm awesome, just like my book, Captain Awesome has the Best Snow Day Ever? I want to read this book because I love snow, and I want to see what he does with the snow. If you love snow, read to find out!"
"The title of my RIF book is Hey, L'il D. I want to read this book because it looks cool and interesting. I want to find out what L'il D is going to do with his friends, and if you do, too, then go to RIF!"
"A Pot of Books at the End of the Rainbow!" at Even Start -- March 13, 2024
At Arlington's Even Start, there was a lucky "pot" -- of books -- at the end of the rainbow! Even Start is a family literacy program for APS parents who are learning English and who have children under the age of 10. Everyone got in on the book "luck," thanks to NOVA RIF liaison and program coordinator Sara Mulrooney. Clifford joined in for the fun, too -- that Big Red LUCKY Dog!!! Older children made rainbow art, while the younger children had a blast choosing a book of their very own.
"There's Only One You" at Bailey's ES for the Arts & Sciences -- March 3-6, 2024
Bailey's Elementary School for the Arts & Sciences (Fairfax County) held a Read Across America Celebration the week of March 3-6 with the theme: There’s Only One You! Librarian and NOVA RIF liaison Janice Pearreault wrote, "We celebrated our diversity and unity for a week with stories, book giveaways, activities, and prizes." After the Pre-K through 3rd grade children chose their book, they posed in front of their "star" bulletin board or gathered on a spotted library mat to read (or in one case, to peek!).
A Splishy-Splashy Adventure at Crestwood ES -- Feb. 26-March 8, 2024
For a delightful two weeks, the Fairfax County Crestwood Owls dove into the annual RIF of NOVA book extravaganza! Students from kindergarten to sixth grade got to pick a book of their own book from a range of different sections, including fiction, nonfiction, "everybody," and Spanish. To make things even more exciting, this year's theme was all about water! Students had a blast making predictions with instant snow or watching the cool reaction of water, oil, white paint, and Alka-Seltzer. It was a splashy, book-filled adventure, thanks to Vicki Spino, the librarian, NOVA RIF liaison, and chief water whisperer!
"Score Big with Books!" at Hutchison Elementary -- Feb. 26-March 1, 2024
With a Messi vs. Ronaldo soccer match playing on-screen, children at Hutchison Elementary School (Fairfax County) had a "ball" during their early March NOVA RIF book distribution, thanks to librarian and NOVA RIF liaison Marci Hoyt. It included special soccer bookmarks, a soccer-themed word search game, and a chance to design one's own soccer uniform. A soccer ball estimation game (how many little balls in that bin?) led to several sets of free tickets to the home opener of the Loudoun United Football Club for the best four guessers from grades three to six. How fun is that!
Spring Read-A-Thon at Baileys Upper School -- February 26-March 1, 2024
Guest readers added to the excitement at a spring Read-A-Thon at Bailey's Upper School in Fairfax County. After these special readings, each student was able to choose two NOVA RIF books, with a bookmark to add to the event. The Read-A-Thon culminated with "character day," when students were invited to come to school dressed as a favorite storybook character. So much reading fun, thanks to librarian and RIF of NOVA liaison Danielle Burgos!
The Bailey's 3rd through 5th graders laughed their way through several books, including The Couch Potato by Jory John and Pete Oswald. When the electricity goes out, Couch Potato is forced to peel away from the comforts of the living room and venture outside. Could fresh air and sunshine possibly be better than the views on screen? Shown above is 3rd grade teacher Ms. Mahmood reading to Ms. Wagner’s 4th grade class.
"The Love of Reading" at Dumfries Elementary School -- February 14, 2024
Dumfries Elementary School (PWC) children got a Valentine's gift they will long remember! Thanks to reading specialist and
NOVA RIF liaison Emily Decarolis, and with help from Title 1 reading specialist April Rodriguez, the children were able to choose two books of their very own, plus a special bookmark with scents ranging from popcorn to tacos to bubblegum! As class after class perused the selections, the smiles wouldn't stop coming! Upon seeing the book displays, one child simply grinned and said, "Whoooaaaa!"
Randolph Elementary School -- December 19, 2023
It was a fun day of book picking at Randolph Elementary School in Arlington on the day before the holiday break began. Thanks to NOVA RIF liaison Anita Van Harten Cater, there were happy faces all around!
Popcorn Munching & Book Picking at Swanson Middle School
-- December 18 & 19, 2023 Swanson Middle School English Language Learners (Arlington) in grades 6-8 participated in their RIF of NOVA distribution on December 18 and 19. Students munched on popcorn while they picked out their books. Each student could choose two books to take home! Thanks to Jennifer Stacy, librarian and RIF of NOVA liaison, for her hard work to give students opportunities for book ownership! Students eagerly got to their new books and some serious reading, as you can see! |
"Blizzard of Books" at Drew Elementary -- December 15, 2023
Dr. Charles Drew Elementary School (Arlington) held its winter book distribution on December 15 starting with a grand entrance by Elsa from "Frozen." Elsa, aka Dora Sue Black (librarian and RIF of NOVA board member and liaison) welcomed the students to the library. As they entered, they were greeted by an indoor blizzard provided by a very cool snow machine! Students were elated to walk through the snow, followed by the opportunity to choose a special book to take home for holiday break reading! Volunteers from the Delta Sigma Theta sorority, Dora Sue's family, and the RIF of NOVA board were on hand to help students as they chose their books.
This book distribution was in addition to the books students received in November as part of the STEAM It Up! project, co-sponsored by Amazon, Amazon Web Services, and NOVA RIF. Read more about that by clicking here. |
No Two Snowflakes (or Books) are Alike!
Barcroft Elementary -- December 15, 2023
Barcroft Elementary -- December 15, 2023
Like snowflakes, no two books are alike! On December 15, Barcroft Elementary School (Arlington) students were greeted by Jackie Pippins, librarian and RIF of NOVA liaison, and library assistant, Danielle Weaver, for their RIF of NOVA distributions. Students made snowflakes to decorate the library, which had been transformed into a winter wonderland! Students were given a special bookmark to put in their new books. After choosing a book, they were able to enjoy reading in front of a lovely winter scene and were treated to some silly holiday jokes! Such a fun -- and funny -- way to begin the holiday break!
"Books Bring Us Together" at John Adams Elementary -- December 11-15, 2023
After choosing their take-home-for-the-holiday RIF of NOVA book, children at this Alexandria school could choose from a number of activities to make the learning fun! Librarian and NOVA RIF liaison Heidi Laplace set up several activity centers that included tangram puzzles, a LEGO-building challenge, maze solving, page coloring, and an "I spy" table complete with decoders. Excitement was in the air as the children had fun coming together over books and brain teasing!
Potomac View and the Legend of the Tangram -- December 4, 2023
Fourth and fifth graders at this Prince William County School were treated to a NOVA RIF book distribution like no other! It included a wonderful interdisciplinary activity featuring literature, vocabulary, synonyms, prediction, and mathematics. NOVA RIF liaison Debbie Crawn began with sharing the ancient Chinese legend of the tangram in which a master glassmaker who had been commissioned to construct a pane of glass for the royal palace dropped it, breaking it into seven geometric shapes. A tangram is a puzzle that includes two big triangles, one medium triangle, two small triangles, one square, and a parallelogram. An introduction to the hands-on seven-piece tangram activity followed. Students chose their books during the problem-solving activity time. Who knew how difficult it could be to form seven plastic shapes into a triangle or a square…or to pick just the right NOVA RIF book from the many offered?! |
Crestwood's PreK & Head Start Family Breakfast -- December 1, 2023
The PreK and Head Start program at Crestwood Elementary School in Fairfax celebrated reading with a family breakfast and book distribution, thanks to NOVA RIF liaison Sharon Goldman. After greeting guests with a welcome song, the children enjoyed a breakfast with their families. Then, they eagerly picked out a book to read and keep. After an energetic farewell song and dance for a teacher, the children returned to class with their new books, while the parents participated in a literacy program that provided a range of ideas about how they can help their children learn. |
Patrick Henry K-8's "Book Bash" -- November 21, 2023
To give kids a chance to read over the Thanksgiving holiday, Alexandria's Patrick Henry K-8 School held a "Book Bash" for every age group. Librarian and NOVA RIF liaison Freedom Neal set up shop in the school's entry atrium and kept the tables stocked as students filed by class by class to pick out a book of their own. The middle school display set up by liaison Glenda Narcisse on the third floor featured tables of books designed for teens and 'tweens. Even principal Dr. Ingrid Bynum stopped by to encourage the children to read, read, and read some more!
"Thankful" at Yorkshire Elementary School -- November 20, 2023
Just before the Thanksgiving holiday break, students at Yorkshire Elementary School (Prince William County) read the book Thankful by Elaine Vickers. In this book, the girl talks about what she is thankful for and writes those ideas down on strips of paper to make a chain. With leadership from Yorkshire reading specialist and NOVA RIF liaison Bethany Drake (shown in the photo below), students each got a strip of paper on which they could write what they are thankful for. The strips were then linked together in a chain that hangs in the school. Picking a book of their own to take home for holiday reading was the proverbial icing on the cake! One student wrote about being thankful for a free book! That's music to our ears!
Book or Treat at ACCA -- October 31, 2023
Witches and goblins and ghosties -- oh my! The ACCA Child Development Center held its annual Halloween parade and book distribution, complete with classroom to classroom trick-or-treating, pumpkin painting, and the choice of a book for each child. NOVA RIF board members Chris and Maureen McLaughlin read and used finger puppets to act out the book Room on the Broom, to the delight of the children.
Arlington's Teen Parenting Program -- October 27, 2023
What a blast at the pumpkin patch! Toddlers in Arlington's Teen Parenting Program each took a pumpkin into the patch and had to find an apple and a piece of corn, followed by the ultimate prize...picking two books to take home. The parents got to choose a book as well! The toddlers later snacked on their crispy, delicious apples while looking at their new books. The corn was going to be cooked for snack and enjoyed later in the day. Thanks to Nicole Boatwright, Yvonne Pettiford, and all of the hardworking teachers for staging such a wonderful celebration to promote fall fun and reading!
Falls Church McLean Children's Center (FCMLCC) -- October 5, 2023
Can a RIF of NOVA book distribution be any more fun? And can showing off your new chosen-by-you book be any cuter? These faces tell the story! RIF of NOVA partner, the New Dominion Women's Club, read to the children -- adding to the fun!