Looking for diverse books for the children you love or teach? Trying to find books about celebrating racial diversity, cultural diversity, religious diversity, gender diversity, economic diversity...and more? We cannot begin to feature them all! But here are a few links to get started. If you have a diverse book site to suggest for this page, please contact us at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you!
2024 Coretta Scott King Book Awards
Nigeria Jones by Ibi Zoboi won the 2024 Coretta Scott King Award from the American Library Association. Nigeria is homeschooled, vegan, and engages in traditional practices that bring her and her community closer to their ancestors. But when her mother disappears, everything changes, and Nigeria starts to question her father's teachings, her own beliefs, and what her mother always hoped for her.
The Coretta Scott King Book Awards are given annually to outstanding African American authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults that demonstrate an appreciation of African American culture and universal human values. The award commemorates the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and honors his wife, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, for her courage and determination to continue the work for peace and world brotherhood. Three 2024 King Author Honor Books were selected as well: Big, a Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor and Author Honor by Vashti Harrison (which also won the 2024 Caldecott Medal); How Do You Spell Unfair: MacNolia Cox and the National Spelling Bee and Kin, Rooted in Hope, both by Carole Boston Weatherford. The following books won Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honors: Holding Her Own, The Exceptional Life of Jackie Ormes, by Traci Todd, and There was a Party for Langston by Jason Reynolds, A full list of 2024 American Library Association Awards may be found by clicking here. |
Black History Month Resources
• The Chicago Public Library celebrates Black History Month with these books for kids about African Americans in the arts and entrepreneurship. • Find a list of 30+ children's books published by Beyond the Bookends, a blog for "modern moms who love to read and wish to inspire a love of reading in their children." • Scholastic Parents offers a list of Black History Month books that pay tribute to African-American heroes and thought leaders, culture, and history. • Save the Children has a list of 19 children's books that celebrate Black History Month that it notes "make for excellent reads all year long." • Chicago Parent has prepared a list of Black History Books for children. Some are mini-biographies, some are works of fiction, and some teach about life as a slave or during the Civil Rights Movement through the eyes of youngsters. • Dorian Smith-Garcia, a commerce, health, and parenting writer at Parents offers her picks -- eight books that she reads to her child during Black History Month. Find that here. |
• The DC Public Library has curated several lists of books at all levels for Black History Month. Find that here.
• On June 19, 1865—more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation—a general in the Union Army finally told the people of Galveston, Texas, that slavery had ended. The holiday of Juneteenth commemorates that date in particular, and, more generally, freedom from slavery after the Civil War. The New York Public Library offers a curated list of children's books specifically geared to Juneteenth. Click here for that.
• The Children's Book Review offers a Black Lives Matter book list for kids and teens to get conversations started. The site also offers a list of Black History Month books, good for any time of the year!
• Family Education features a list of 15 stories for Black History Month about African Americans overcoming adversity and making their multicultural mark on the world. The site has also put together a list of 25 children’s books to teach kids about race and racism.
• MahoganyBooks, a Washington D.C. bookstore, has curated two lists that will be of interest. One features a general list of books for young children through young adult readers. Find that here. Another list focuses on books for Black boys. Find that by clicking here.
• Today's Parent offers a list, too. The listing notes 28 books for Black History Month that discuss challenging topics to read and discuss.
• Bright Horizons has several book recommendations for kids to note Black History Month ranging from preschool to older school-age children. Find that curation here.
• A Mighty Girl, a site with great book ideas for raising confident girls, offers a list of 99 books about "Extraordinary Black Girls and Women." The site also offers a special focus on the critical and often neglected role that girls and women played in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement: 50 Inspiring Books on Girls & Women of the Civil Rights Movement.
• The GrassROOTS Community Foundation features a 1000 Black Girl Resource Guide. All titles on the list fit the criterion of having a black girl as the main character. Books are catalogued by reading level.
• Feminist Books for Kids has curated a list of 19 books for children about Rosa Parks. These books introduce young readers to the Montgomery Bus Boycott and to Parks's life of action. Another list has been curated about Juneteenth. That's here.
• Motherly, a website about modern motherhood, offers a list of 6 children's books about Juneteenth. It's is linked by clicking here.
Resources about Diversity, Multi-Culturalism, and Social Justice
• We Need Diverse Books features a clickable list of resources to find all kinds of diverse children's books. This is a great go-to curation! Find it here.
• Multicultural Children's Book Day has also curated a list of diverse book links. Find that here.
• Brightly, a website geared to raising children who love to read, features several lists of diverse books. Find one for tweens and teens here. Brightly has also curated a list of books to help children understand the fight for racial equality. Find that here. Another list focuses on 22 books about lesser known African Americans and their contributions to history.
• Embrace Race, a multicultural community of parents, teachers, experts, and other caring adults, features a list of 20 picture books to "embrace race, provide solace, and do good." That's here.
• published a list of 17 about racial inequality for young readers. Look here.
• Colours of Us has curated a number of lists that feature multicultural and multiracial books. One focuses on Hispanic multicultural children's books for kids from five to 10. Find that here. The site also features a picture book list about inspiring women and girls. That's here.
• Biracial Bookworms LLC focuses on teaching children to be readers, activists, and leaders. Find 50 diverse children's books about strong girls here.
• Goodreads has curated a list of children's books that teach tolerance. Find that here.
• Social Justice Books, a project of Teaching for Change, has curated what it calls the "best selection of multicultural and social justice books for children, YA, and educators." It also features a list of blogs and websites on multicultural and social justice children's books.